Access method
By Car
- ● Take Route 3 from downtown Kumamoto towards Yamaga for 60 minutes.
Get off Kyushu Expressway at the Ueki IC and take Route 3 towards Yamaga for 15 minutes
Make a left at Minamijima Intersection before Yamaga Ohashi Bridge - ● Get off Kyushu Expressway at the Kikusui IC and head towards Yamaga for 15 minutes
- ● Get off Kyushu Expressway at the Kikusui IC and head towards Yamaga for 15 minutes
【From Kumamoto City】
● From Sakuramachi Bus Terminal
- 1.From Sakuramachi Bus Terminal
- 2.Get off at Yamaga Bus Center
- 3.10 minutes by taxi
3.Take bus from Yamaga Bus Center for Tamana Station - 4.Get off at Kenritsu Soshoku Kofun-kan Iriguchi (Ancient Burial Mound Museum Entrance)
- 5.Walk 20 minutes
【From Aso-Kumamoto Airport】
● 【From Aso-Kumamoto Airport】
- 1.Take Airport Liner from Aso-Kumamoto Airport
- 2.Get off at Aso-Kumamoto Airport Station (JR Higo Ozu Station)
- 3.Take bus from station towards Yamaga Onsen
- 4.Get off at final stop (Yamaga Bus Center)
- 5.10 minutes by taxi
5.Take bus from Tamana Bus Center for Tamana Station - 6.Get off at Kenritsu Soshoku Kofun-kan Iriguchi (Ancient Burial Mound Museum Entrance)
- 7.Walk 20 minutes
【From Fukuoka, Kagoshima, Tamana】
● From Shin-Tamana Station (Kyushu Shinkansen)
- 1.Take bus towards Yamaga Onsen via Menotake from Shin-Tamana Station (Kyushu Shinkansen)
- 2.Get off at Kenritsu Soshoku Kofun-kan Iriguchi (Ancient Burial Mound Museum Entrance) (takes about 40 minutes)
- 3.Walk 20 minutes
● From JR Tamana Station
- 1.Take bus towards Yamaga Onsen via Menodake from Tamana Station
- 2.Get off at Kenritsu Soshoku Kofun-kan Iriguchi (Ancient Burial Mound Museum Entrance) (takes about 60 minutes)
- 3.Walk 20 minutes
By Taxi
- ● 10 minutes from Yamaga Bus Center